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We are currently establishing a distribution network for the DBT, because our core business takes place in Germany only. To get to know how we can deliver the DBT to you please send us a fax to + 49 89 / 54321 – 908 or mail us at Besides you can contact us by phone (+ 49 89 / 54321 – 909).

Your order should contain the following information:

requested amount

– hospital and country

– invoice- and shippingadress

item-number for sterile DBT: 68001 „DBT sterile“

item-number for unsterile DBT: 68005 „DBT unsterile“

In order to avoid vexiations, please consign a reference person on your order who is available for potential questions to guarantee a smooth transaction.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions, we are looking forward to your order!

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